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Arcanum Tarot (karty)

Arcanum Tarot (karty)
Renata Lechner      
Rok vydání:2018
Vydavatelství:Llewellyn Publications      
Skladem: na dotaz
Kategorie:KARTY, taroty, čtení z ruky, sny
Podobné knihy:THELEMA Tarot (78 karet a kniha)

Cena 1 983,00 Kč s 21% DPH

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Mystical insights await within the stunning imagery of the Arcanum Tarot. From the creator of the Thelema Tarot this deck features realistic figures set among lush and magical landscapes. Designed to connect the deepest parts of your soul to the highest realms of the divine, the Arcanum Tarot will show what you need to see in order to move forward toward your destiny.

Renata Lechner is a professional artist known for her intricately layered and deeply compelling digital art.

Rozměry: 7.62 x 5.08 x 12.7 cm;

340.19 gramy

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