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Spirit Dreams (audio CD)

Spirit Dreams (audio CD)
Rok vydání:2007
Vydavatelství:Global Journey      
Skladem: na dotaz
Kategorie:Audio CD, DVD, CD-ROM
Podobné knihy:Olivias Call The Fairy Premium Figure
Diantha The Fairy and Deer Premium Figure
Fira The Angel Premium Figure
Crimson The Fairy Premium Figure

Sleva 7% - z ceny 320,00 Kč s DPH
Nová cena 298,00 Kč s 21% DPH

11. Prairie Dawn
10. Ancestral Shadows
9. Cherished Earth Mother
8. Storm Cloud Reflections
7. Thunder Dreams
5. The Circle Of Life
4. Elevation
3. Rain Song
2. The Sacred Waters
1. Wakening Spirit
The penetrative sonance of the Native American Flute will take you on a transcendental journey into a world of spirituality and dreams. These meditative compositions eulogise the essence of Native American life, and the seemingly hypnotic tones accentuated by the sounds of nature provide a raw yet captivating atmosphere.
The Spiritual Song of the Native American Flute

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