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Tarot Grand Luxe (78 karet a kniha)

Tarot Grand Luxe (78 karet a kniha)
Ciro Marchetti      
Rok vydání:2020
Vydavatelství:U.S. Games Systems Inc.      
Skladem: na dotaz
Kategorie:KARTY, taroty, čtení z ruky, sny

Cena 1 893,00 Kč s 0% DPH

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Popular digital artist Ciro Marchetti has crafted the evocative Tarot Grand Luxe out of his own creative imaginings. Based primarily on the Rider-Waite-Smith™ tarot system, the lavish details in Tarot Grand Luxe also incorporate references to the Tarot de Marseilles, as well as other historic symbols and archetypes. In the 56-page illustrated booklet, Ciro briefly describes the ideas and personal perspectives that inspired each card.

Rozměry : 8.89 x 3.81 x 13.72 cm .

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